
AI हमारे नए भविष्य को गढ़ने का सबसे बड़ा आधार बन रही है। AI की एक बहुत बड़ी ताकत है, लोगों को Connect करने की उसकी क्षमता। AI के सही इस्तेमाल से सिर्फ देश की आर्थिक प्रगति ही सुनिश्चित नहीं होती बल्कि ये समानता और सामाजिक न्याय को भी पक्का करता है।
~ श्री नरेंद्र मोदी जी
ग्लोबल पार्टनरशिप ऑन आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस (GPAI) समिट-2023
About Bharat Pragati Ai
In line with Prime Minister Modi's vision of a technologically advanced India, Bharat AI Pragati aims to democratize AI education and empower the Indian youth with the power and resources of AI. We believe that India's young minds hold immense potential, and it is crucial to provide them with the tools and knowledge to thrive in the digital era.

One of the significant challenges in India during any technological wave is the unequal access to knowledge and resources. Typically, advanced education and learning materials are accessible only to the wealthy and students of top universities, leaving a vast majority of talented individuals behind. Moreover, most of the available content is in English, creating a language barrier for many.

Bharat AI Pragati addresses these challenges by making AI education inclusive and accessible to all, regardless of socioeconomic status or language proficiency. We offer engaging, hands-on courses led by industry experts, ensuring high-quality learning experiences. Our initiative not only aligns with the national vision but also strives to bridge the gap, making advanced AI knowledge available to every aspiring individual in India.
"At Bharat AI Pragati, our mission is to drive AI development in India by creating a robust talent pool. We focus on practical AI education to empower youth, job seekers, and professionals, ensuring they are equipped to leverage AI for higher productivity and efficiency."
Our National Vision
Upskilling individuals for the future
Bharat AI Pragati empowers the workforce by upskilling individuals for the future. Through comprehensive programs and partnerships with educational institutions and online platforms, it ensures AI education is accessible to all. Industry collaborations provide practical experience with the latest technologies, fostering innovation and adaptability. This builds a skilled, future-ready workforce, poised to harness AI's potential and drive national growth.
Encouraging AI-driven solutions
Through investments in research and developement, support for start-ups, and partnerships, we nurture groundbreaking technologies. Innovation hubs provide vital resources for advancement. Our efforts position India as a global leader in AI, showcased in international forums. We aim to shape global standards and drive progress forward. Our goal is to secure India's role in the AI landscape.
Global leadership in AI advancements
Bharat AI Pragati positions India as a leader in AI advancements through international collaborations, talent nurturing, and innovative policies. By showcasing successful projects and active participation in global forums, it establishes India as a key player in the global AI landscape, driving technological progress and setting international standards.
Our Proven Methodology
Foundational Knowledge
Establishing essential concepts as the building blocks for further learning and application.
Practical Application
Bridging theory with real-world contexts, ensuring learners can effectively apply their knowledge in practical scenarios.
Advanced Techniques
Delving deeper into complex methodologies and strategies, enabling learners to tackle sophisticated challenges.
Our Proven Methodology
Advanced Techniques
Delving deeper into complex methodologies and strategies, enabling learners to tackle sophisticated challenges.
Real-World Projects
Offering users hands-on experiences through projects that simulate real-life situations, thereby enhancing practical skills and boosting confidence.